Our Services > Transformation

Emission Reduction Project Development

Reach your net zero goals by developing emission reduction projects.

Net Zero® offers businesses the opportunity to develop internationally accredited Voluntary Emission Reduction (VER) projects and generate carbon credits to be traded in the voluntary carbon market.

We offer organizations the opportunity to develop voluntary emission reduction projects in compliance with CDM methodologies and international standards.

Businesses can also develop projects within their supply chain (carbon insetting) and directly reduce their Scope 3 emissions.

Develop verified Voluntary Emission Reduction (VER) projects in accordance with CDM methodologies and international standards such as GS (Gold Standard), VCS (Verified Carbon Standard), Global Carbon Council (GCC) and Social Carbon. Following the relevant standard and approval processes, your projects become tradeable in voluntary carbon markets.

Reduce for your unavoidable emissions by developing emission reduction projects with Net Zero®. Get involved in global carbon markets and prepare for the net zero transition.

Start your net zero journey
Karbon Azaltım Projesi Karbon Azaltım Projesi

Phases of Emission Reduction Project Development:

We develop emission reduction projects to reduce your organization's unavoidable emissions within your supply chain or elsewhere in the world.

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Project Compatibility Assessment

A preliminary assessment is conducted to determine whether the project meets the environmental and financial requirements of the relevant standard.


Data Collection and Preparation of Documents

Project description and calculation documents (PDD) are prepared by collecting the necessary information in accordance with the relevant methodology.


Listing the Project in the Applicable Standard

Within the scope of the standard requirements, presentation of the relevant documents is carried out.


Approval and Verification

The prepared documents are approved and verified by the standard. Necessary technical support is provided throughout the process.


Registration of Carbon Credits

Carbon credits are registered to be tradeable in voluntary carbon markets after going through the verification processes.

Benefits of our Emission Reduction Project Development service:

Participate in the development of certified projects that comply with international standards,

Compensate for your organization's unavoidable emissions by reducing them elsewhere in the world,

Reduce Scope 3 emissions by developing carbon inset projects within your supply chain.

Contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals,

Manage climate-related risks and take strategic decisions accordingly,

Become a part of the global transformation process in the fight against climate change by getting involved in carbon markets.

Contact us to start your net zero journey!